
"Repeat everything you hear....."

There was a blonde and she was tired of all the dumb blonde jokes. She went to a club and she met a man and he said:
"If you repeat everything you hear, everyone will think you're the smartest person ever."
The blonde took his advice and decided to repeat everything she heard.
The next day she went to a pre-schoolthe teacher asked a question, and all the little kids scream "ME! ME! ME!"
Then she went to a resteraunt, and she heard "Fork and knife."
Later she went to watch TV, when the commercial came on, she heard "Plug it in, plug it in."
The next day, a man was murdered.
The police didn't know who it was, so they asked. The blonde replied :
"ME! ME! ME!"
They took her to trial. They asked her what she killed him with, she replied:
"Fork and knife."
They told her she would have to be put in the electric chair. She replied:
"Plug it in, plug it in."

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