
T-G-I-F vs. S-H-I-T

A business man got on an elevator.

 When he entered, there was a blonde already inside who
 greeted him with a bright,


 He smiled at her and replied, "S-H-I-T."

 She looked puzzled and repeated, "T-G-I-F," more

 He again answered, "S-H-I-T."

 The blonde was trying to keep it friendly, so she smiled
 her biggest smile, and said as sweetly as possibly,

 The man smiled back to her and once again,

 The exasperated blonde finally decided to explain.

 'T-G-I-F' means 'Thank Goodness It's
  Friday.' Get it, duuhhh?"

  The man answered, "'S-H-I-T' means 'Sorry,
  Honey, It's Thursday -- duuhhh

"Repeat everything you hear....."

There was a blonde and she was tired of all the dumb blonde jokes. She went to a club and she met a man and he said:
"If you repeat everything you hear, everyone will think you're the smartest person ever."
The blonde took his advice and decided to repeat everything she heard.
The next day she went to a pre-schoolthe teacher asked a question, and all the little kids scream "ME! ME! ME!"
Then she went to a resteraunt, and she heard "Fork and knife."
Later she went to watch TV, when the commercial came on, she heard "Plug it in, plug it in."
The next day, a man was murdered.
The police didn't know who it was, so they asked. The blonde replied :
"ME! ME! ME!"
They took her to trial. They asked her what she killed him with, she replied:
"Fork and knife."
They told her she would have to be put in the electric chair. She replied:
"Plug it in, plug it in."

The gorilla, the guy, and the balls

A guy walked out to get his mail in the morning. He turns around and there is a gorilla. So he runs back inside, opens the yellow pages, finds the only gorilla exterminator in town, and calls him. The exterminator arrives in a little truck towing a cage. The exterminator has a ladder, a gun, and a dog. 
  The guy says, "How are you going to get the gorilla off my roof?" 
  "I am going to put the ladder up against the side of the house, get up there, wrestle the gorilla, and toss him off the side of the house. When the gorilla hits the ground, the dog is trained to grab the gorilla by his balls and drag him into the cage."
  "What is the gun for then?"
  "If the gorilla throws me off the roof first, shoot the dog before I hit the ground!"

Please Pass The Mayo

A kid came home from school and asked his dad, "Dad, I heard some kids talking about a thing called a vagina. What is a vagina, and what does it look like?"

"Well, son, before sex it looks like a beautiful unopened rose."
"Wow, what does it look like after sex?"
"Well, son, have you ever seen a bulldog eating mayonaise?"



HMC aka Handsome Man Competition is being held
The photo below show who do you think the most handsome as they will make your life shine bright.

Copyright © CSO

 1st - contestant

2nd contestant

3rd Contestant(Prakash)(Dia sndiri suruh me letak pic dia)


                                                                        Last contestant

So who do yu think the most handsome man



I bored just because every day do same thing just like this song said

And everyday feels like the other
And everywhere looks just the same
When every dream seems like forever
And your a face without a name

But that doesn't mean it forever,it also can turn it up all the way
This song will answer all the problem

Maybe now is our best chance
To finally get it right
Just look at the world as an apple
And its time to take a bite

Someday it will come together
Someday we will work it out
I know we can turn it up all the way
(Cause this is our someday)
Someday is what we make it
Someday is like here and now
What way what way what way
Cause this is our someday

So i decide to make my life become shine